Usui History

Reiki is an ancient healing method, one of the oldest known to mankind. Originally from Tibet, Reiki was rediscovered by a Japanese monk named Dr Mikao Usui in the 19th century.

Dr. Usui was the director and Christian priest at a small university in Kyoto in Japan.

He gave up his position at the university to study the ancient Buddhist teachings in a quest to seek out methods of healing.

During his research he became aware of the Symbols and Mantras (sayings) which are key to Reiki healing. However, Dr Usui didn’t know, at that time how these symbols and sayings could be used in healing. During his research Dr Usui spent a lot of time in a Buddhist monastery where he became a close friend of the head Abbot. The Abbot suggested that Dr Usui should take a trek up a holy mountain close to Kyoto as this might reveal the answers to his questions. He suggested that Dr Usui should spend 21 days on the mountain during which time he should fast and meditate.

Dr Usui took the Abbot’s advice but for the first 20 days and nights nothing happened, no matter how much Dr Usui focussed on his meditation.

But on the last day of his fast Dr Usui went deep into meditation. He saw a bright light shining in the sky. This light quickly moved towards him, striking him in the middle of his forehead.
He felt this light enter his body and he felt as if his whole body was awash with this bright light. In front of him he saw vivid coloured lights followed by an almost blinding white light.
In the centre of the white light he could see the symbols that he had discovered during his research into the Buddhist teachings.

Dr Usui now knew how these symbols and mantras could be used to provide healing. He felt an enormous energy boost, his body overflowing with a powerful healing force. This incredible occurrence had given him the answers he had so keenly wanted to find.

Dr Usui rushed down from the mountain and in his haste stubbed and badly cut his toe. He wrapped his hands around the bleeding toe and was amazed that the blood flow stopped and the pain disappeared straight away. This proved to him that indeed he was now able to bring about rapid healing.
He returned to the monastery where he spent several more weeks, developing and working with his newly found healing powers. After a while Dr Usui left the monastery and spent the next seven years healing the sick in the slum areas of Kyoto.