Distance Healing with Reiki Gia – Healing you in any Location at any Distance
What is Distance Healing? How Does Distance Healing work? Are the effects of Distance Healing the same?
Reiki Distance Healing knows no barriers or boundaries, since its energy is not restricted by time and distance. Distant Healing is said to be miraculous! Distance Healing can be sent to anyone and siatnce Healing can be sent anywhere, regardless of the time difference. A person can be healed by sending Reiki Healing from a distance. Distance Healing treatments are just as effective as in-person healing sessions and are a lot cheaper too. Either way, you will still get the same healing benefits. Considering the fact that Reiki Distance Healing employs universal energy that can be guided to any part of the Universe, it heals the intended person or creature and acts like a bridge between time and space. Life-force energy can also be stored just like a battery and could be used in future.
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Distance Energy Healing - The Science Behind It
Remote, absent, or Distance Healing is becoming the new catchphrase. People want to know what Distance Healing is and if it really works. Others might have encountered the word remote healing and others might have known it as absent healing. Some recognized it as long distance healing or absent healing and whatever it is, they share the same description and have one goal. The purpose of Distance Healing is to endow an individual a wellness that is holistic with a gentle and natural style that goes hand in hand with medicine. It has said to be medicine’s complementary method that can be performed even from a distance.Distance Healing and Energy Field
It has been claimed that our physical bodies inherently holds and produces energy. On simple words, our body contains varied points or areas of energy such as the following:1. Energy fields or Aura – this field receives and transmits the energy from the external and internal environment. Another function of the aura is that it also serves as the body’s information center in relation with energy.
2. Energy centers or Chakra's; this is the center where received energies are broken down.
3. Energy pathways or Meridian – This pathway serves as the distributing channels of the energies that are broken down.
The process would easily be appreciated if one is more aware and informed of the diverse layers of energy layers in an individual’s body. It is also identified with the 4 levels of our being that works differently from each other:
1. Etheric field – this field is the energy’s first layer and that which is linked to the “physical”. This energy layer measures ¼ to 2 inches from the body;
2. Emotional field – this field is connected with feelings. The layer is 1 to 3 inches deep from our physical body also storing traumatic experience;
3. Mental field – this field deals with a person’s mental thoughts and processes. The energy layer is approximately at 3 to 8 inches that goes beyond our physical body; and,
4. Spiritual field – this field is associated with an individual’s spiritual dimension and considered as the most complex of all. Its complexity is due to the several layers that it is made up of.
There is a way to develop these energy fields to achieve the holistic wellness one needs. With the help of distant or remote healing, the healer uses their individual energies that the aura receives. Once the Reiki healers possess the radiating Reiki Healing energy within them, the healers reflect about the energy and the receiver of this energy. Their mind empowers their body to physically send off or transfer the energy with their hands releasing it. This completely rejects the thought that distance poses as a concern in reaching out and distributing positive and healing energy. Distance is just another reality and another fact is that energy like sound travels and vibrates everywhere and anywhere.
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Distance Healing, Time, Space and Energy
There are just a little number of people that can really explain better the relation of distant or remote healing with energy, time, and space. Let alone grasp how remote or Distance Healing works. The rationale behind this is that we are not informed that every individual is connected with the universe. Science has described the reason for the realization of distant healing using space, distance and energy based on the ground that everything is one with the universe. We can take the example of satellite dishes. The energy that is used to produce signal are travelling over short or long distances which makes it possible to operate. It is in this same concept or principle that long distance or remote healing works. As discussed earlier, energy comes in different forms as there are also various energy fields that are in our physical body. In terms of healing, a person’s physical energies can be transmitted to another person to rectify any mental, physical, mental, spiritual or emotional needs or concerns even when they are not together.FREE Long Distance Reiki Healing Treatment
The unearthing of the effectiveness and benefits of distance healing, scientific studies have been continuously determining whether everything is just a hoax or true. The 20th century is a time when a study about distance healing led to the result and enlightenment through one field of science – quantum of physics. It was sometime in 1982 that the University of Paris performed an experiment with the team spearheaded by Alain Aspect, a Physicist. The team found out that there is an immediate link that happens with the electrons even at such long distance. This indicates that there is really no problem with distance in terms of the subatomic particles interconnecting. This was even further validated by Nicolas Gisan having conducted a similar study producing the same results. In Gisan’s study, he elaborated that particles can communicated with other particles and at the same time link with each other at the rate faster than the speed of light which is about 20,000 times faster. With the help of science, understanding makes it easier and it gives a better appreciation that distance healing can happen because energy is transferred and received even with the vastness of space.
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Those people who already experienced absent or Distance healing have said that there was a different feeling that they have experienced. At the same time, they felt a total sense of greater well-being with the change that took over. Each of us is unique and so are the experiences and outcomes because of the differing needs and concerns. There have been many studies and research carried out on Distance Healing in recent years showing great improvement in mental and physical health and can produce very powerful beneficial results. Yes! That’s right, you can receive the fantastic benefits of Distance Healing without having to make time, stopping your daily work or haveing to go to another location to receive a Distance Healing treatment.Long Distance healing is not only confined with one specific area of a person. In fact, it can enhance other areas as well. Most people perceived that it is only about relieving stress and sickness. Those are just some of the positive effects. Remote healing also makes one feel relaxed and in a lighter feeling. Physical wellness is not only the purpose of distance healing, it is also about the realization of inner self and hopefully attaining a sense of contentment and satisfaction which leads to rejuvenation, renewal, and inspiration of the individual. Remote healing’s other positive effects include stress management, clarity, concentration, empowerment, creativity, mood enhancement, awareness, open and accepting to unconditional love, and vitality. There is a total sense of being or a holistic wellness in the improvement of an individual’s well–being: mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional.
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Case Study Proof - Distance Healing Is Beyond The Boundaries Of Time And Space
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Free Reiki Distance Healing Treatment - FREE Energy Healing!!! Contact me now
What can you expect during a Distance Healing session? What will Long Distance Reiki Healing feel like?
Experiences vary with each person. You may experience some of the following:- You may feel warmth or a light breeze, tingling or numbness
- Feelings of peace, serenity, calmness and/or relaxation
- Feeling energetic
- Feeling lighter
- Euphoria (happiness, laughing, and/or positive thinking)
- Spiritual awareness
- Release of suppressed/buried feelings, emotions, and/or blockages
- Release of toxins that can trigger sweating and/or excessive thirst