Unconditional Universal Love
Many people are still confused with the words spirit and soul. Some are even skeptic about its existence because we cannot see or even feel its presence. The spirit is not a make-up thing or an illusion, it is real. Every one of us has a spirit and a soul that is everybody’s inner core or your true self that continuously grows as you go through life’s experience. Unlike the human flesh and body, it cannot be destroyed.
The soul and spirit is directly connected with a higher source, God, and is inseparable from what we call pure or unconditional love. Realize that this unconditional love emanates from the one true and higher and powerful source. The soul and spirit then gains pure love which sends it off to the physical body that which connects us to everyone and everything.
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In all aspect and spheres of life, our soul plays a very significant role in enriching our over-all physical and mental well-being. The most powerful force and energy that vibrates in the entire universe is the pure unconditional love that the soul and spirit projects. The world continues to exist because there are people that still strive to live in harmony with the universe. The energy and vibrant powerful force that is ultimately express by individuals bring a strong and a more defined purpose. We have to completely attune to our inner core to feel and truly live and maximize our potential to love unconditionally without prejudice to race, sex, religion or age.
Having said this, the key to attaining a peaceful and harmonize world begins with you. The soul is the vehicle to propelling the divine and pure love and being one with the Universe. Before this can happen, one must be able to understand that unconditional love happens when an individual tries to ponder and reflect deeply on what it really means. It is basic to fully understand the nature of unconditional love as it is an integral part of our being.
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While our body or physical state of being lives a physical life, our spirit lives a spiritual life and it goes hand in hand with the former. It is important to know that fulfilling physical needs creates an impact to living a spiritual life. When the physical needs are met, one leads a good spiritual life but one should also realize that there is a line to draw when it comes to defining needs and wants. There are times that the wants are not what our physical body really needs therefore making it unnecessary for us. When one desires for something more than what we need then it leads one to having a spiritual emptiness. In all aspects of life, everything should be balanced which is also true for our physical and spiritual life.It may seem easy but leading a good and balanced physical and spiritual life is very tough and challenging as we are now faced with so much temptations. There are times when we come to a point where we are having a hard time discerning what is good or bad or what is right and wrong. This is why it is important to surround ourselves with the right people who can guide us when our path is getting crooked. There are also experiences that life teaches us as we go over the bumps and potholes in the roads that we choose to travel on. It is these experiences that make us wiser and stronger and that which gives us wisdom and provides us the grounds for making the right decisions in our lives.
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In our spiritual life, there is also what we call spiritual growth that starts with our own desire to grow not only in terms of the physical and emotional aspect but also in the spiritual aspect. The inner core of the spiritual growth also encapsulates the individual’s aspiration to accept and correct the wrongdoings that they have encountered. In this journey, one acquires and gains spiritual knowledge which enriches our soul and makes us a better and fulfilled person. When one takes the right direction and uses our energy to doing good things rather than giving in to the earthly material or turning to physical gains then this will surely bring an enlightened spiritual growth.
Along the way, there are many factors in life that you will need to consider and avoid so as not to fall on the trap of the worldly temptations. It is a must for one to gain self-control on physical desires that are not necessary. At this point, self-awareness is vital so we may be able to watch and monitor our actions as well as our thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts and actions may lead us to doing wrong without realizing it. Just like our physical body, our soul needs to be nourished with a balanced and right knowledge otherwise we will feed our soul with negativities. Everything that we say, think and do have an effect on how we live our spiritual life.
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It is said to be that all things here on earth as well as that outside of it comes from only one powerful, great and higher source. Each and every one, everything that exists in this universe and even the space that occupies everywhere have one thing in common and that is that they are bonded by what we call Universal Oneness.Many are still unaware of this fact and to be open about it is to understand that there is a journey that we must take in order to achieve the ultimate happiness and peace that everyone desires and deserves. Everything is interconnected as they say. Our world and the Universe is interconnected and it should not be seen as something separate and made up of unrelated and broken parts. This can be greatly appreciated with the human soul’s yearning for some answers to the questions such as ’Who am I?’ or ’What is the meaning of life?’ Other deeper questions that relates to seeking the Universal oneness are ’Why am I here?’ or ’Is there something beyond this life?’
By confronting, reflecting and pondering on these types of questions, some are able to find the answers as the truth surfaces. How are we connected to the other people, animals, stars, space, planets, and everything around us? Philosophers, scientists, poets, theologians, religious leaders and other spiritual elders believe in and professes that all creation is one. There have been hundreds of literatures in magazines, books, internet that tells and explains how we are all connected to each other. Although from different points of view and from different backgrounds and theories, they all end up saying that we are all one with the Universe.
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There is that certain energy that binds all of us and that links us all to one another. This is why we should all live a life that tries to be in harmony and peace with nature and with everyone else. Since we are all interconnected and one with the Universe, everything that we do, say and think has an effect and somehow influences each other just like the case of a stone or pebble that is thrown into a pond which causes a rippling effect.
This is to say then that we can imagine ourselves as droplets in a pool or a sea of energy. Our actions that ripple out and touch other people or nature will eventually bounce back at us. The universal law of cause and effect or what we can also explain by the saying ’What we reap is what we sow’ is indeed very true. Suffice to say, we have to be very careful and considerate enough of what we are going to say, think and do because there is always someone or something that is affected by it. So whenever we send off positive vibrations, actions or thoughts it gets to ripple out to other people or nature getting positive impacts or benefits. The same way is true when we do something negative.
Realizing that we are one with the universe is such a huge part of spirituality, being open to the truth that we are one with god, both manifest god or unmanifest god, it is my deepest wish that my clients realize and experience this. We are divine beings, our inner core and are foundation is only pure. YES! We are unconditionally loving beings this is our true nature and keeping our spiritual side close to us is a important part of life, we should constantly be taking advantage of our human birth and grow spiritually. Spiritual Healing can help with this.
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As opposed to other’s perception, Reiki is a form of energy healing or a simple healing technique and is not a cult or a religion. It does not dwell with heaven and hell issues, codes, doctrines, salvations and sin that followers must believe in just like in religion. It is not also a cult by which a leader compels the individual to give up their religious belief to accept the new one.Reiki is not based on any spiritual beliefs and it actually works well with whatever religion or beliefs that one may have. It actually encourages a Reiki healer to decide according to what they believe in. In fact, you may encounter Reiki healers with different spiritual practices or faith.
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While most of us fully live a physical life without even attending to our spiritual life leads us to a very discontented end. We also need to take care and develop our spiritual life in order to have a fulfilling existence in this universe. The question now is how do we deepen or develop our spiritual life? There are many means by which we can attain an enriching spiritual life as we go along our day-to-day lives. The following will guide you through this significant phase in trying to making a rewarding time that you spend here on earth:1. Actively and regularly participate in your chosen belief, religion or spiritually based organization or group;
2. Feed your soul with daily inspirational and positive reading literature. Make it a habit to do this at least once a day whether you feel like doing it as you start your day, lunch break or maybe before you go to bed;
3. Meditate habitually. Make it a common practice to reflect or ponder upon your day’s activities, events and actions that take place during the day;
4. Spiritual affirmations and/or prayers would be a great help in deepening your soul;
5. Seeking help from others through prayer intercessions or from healing practitioners. You can also join a group that will support you with your specific spiritual needs;
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By doing the aforementioned guidelines, you will see a positive result in the positive benefits that you will experience. Such benefits include security and safety, peace of mind, self-confidence, the capacity to give and receive unconditional love, and of course guidance.
How do these benefits help you live a fulfilling life and in peace and harmony with the universe? Security and safety provides you a sense of connection with the ultimate and one source of all things - the creator. At this point, you will feel that you are not alone even when you are separated from other people or material possessions. You feel safe and secure because you believe that there is someone you can rely on whenever you need someone to turn to.
Peace of mind is a result of learning how to let go of difficult and challenging problems that you encounter as you strongly develop trust and reliance with the One. Worrying, stress and anxiety are being reduced as you turn to leave all of it to the greater power.
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Your self-confidence is enhanced as you realize that you are part of God’s creation, a part of the universe from which would mean that there is something good in you. You are worthy of something and this greatly helps as to how you see and think of yourself.
Having said all of the above, you complete yourself as a whole hence being capable of giving and receiving unconditional love. As you change how you think about yourself, you also see the same way towards other people and basically feel and give the same respect that you give yourself. After all, everyone and everything that exists in the universe are part of God’s creation. You will soon begin to feel the joy and a lighter feeling as you continue to inspire and be inspired.
Guidance strengthens your spiritual life as you will be able to decide and solve problems according to universal wisdom.
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As mentioned above, Reiki is not a religion or a cult but a form or technique of energy healing. The more promising question could be how can it help or how it is align with spiritual healing? One way to maintain a harmonious relationship with other people as well with the universe is by developing our spiritual life. Reiki is a healing method which eliminates anxieties, stress and worries which in essence becomes a part of augmenting our spiritual life.Reiki comes from Japanese words Rei and Ki that translates to ’Higher Power/God’s Wisdom’ and ’life force energy’. With this translation, it can also be defined that it is a life force energy which is spiritually guided. The process of Reiki healing is not complicated as it sounds. It is actually simple as the healer performs the process by laying their hands with the idea that they are a conduit for the glowing radiance of the life force energy that will flow to the person. It usually takes about an hour or it can sometimes extend to half an hour more. It can also be done at a distance. The individual receiving the energy benefits not only physically but also emotionally, mentally as well as spiritually. Reiki also works well with other therapeutic or medical techniques having little or no side effects at all. Another great thing about this is that this can be taught and learned by people regardless of age, belief and background.
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Apart from the process and the benefit, another positive view that it provides is its five principles that it conveys:
1. Just for today do not worry.
2. Just for today do not anger.
3. Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
4. Earn your living honestly.
5. Show gratitude to everything.
These Reiki principles give a deeper purpose of healing the person as a whole and delivering the message that there should be a conscious effort of improving oneself in order to be healed completely. The individual must also commit to do his part and actively dedicate a time to do his share of enriching his spiritual life. This benign, gentle, non-manipulative and non-invasive method of healing has becoming increasingly famous. As people are trying to open up on new techniques or alternative healing forms other than medicines. Reiki is continuing to be an answer not only to the physical illnesses but also on the total well-being of an individual. As such, its important role in society cannot be ignored and will be slowly accepted and valued worldwide.
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For those who are new to Reiki, it also serves as a gateway or it opens doors to accepting that pure unconditional love and giving it back to the universe. When one starts to receive this shining pure love, it allows them to instantly surpass the wounds and pain. At this time, they start to completely heal themselves not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually which fully opens up their mind in realizing and accepting their true nature.
Spiritual Healing with Reiki can open up many new potential paths for spiritual growth. Many people make spiritual growth and their spiritual path a high pritority in life. Spiritual Healing allows your energy system to open up to new spiritual thoughts and ideas, new in the sense that it may be new to you and that you may have not come accross it before. Spiritual Healing with Reiki energy can act as a catalyst in speeding up your spiritual path, only when you are able to allow yourself to accept higher thoughts of spirituality will they pass your way.
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